Tuesday, January 21, 2014

That's Life and Good Stuff for a Book

I'm always learning new things. It's been apparent to me for quite some time that someone I have positive friendly feelings toward may not have the same feelings for me. But today it dawned on me that not only can someone I like not be too crazy with me but they could actually be seeing me as their enemy.

Unfortunately I'm learning this vicariously through the experience of a dear friend of mine but I can look back on my own life and see that it's true.

But I still maintain the right to feel how I will feel toward others regardless of how they feel about me! So just know I'm going to like you whether or not you like me back even if you're nasty and there's nothing you can do about it, because I like people - even nasty ones! I guess I just don't have it in me to hate people.

When people are mean it makes me think they are depressed or sad or having a bad day so sometimes it's a bit of a shake up when I realize they are deliberately and sneakily trying to sabotage someone else.

Having said all this, it sure makes good fodder for a book! I'm feeling inspired! I'll have to write about a deliberate, sneaky person and see what happens.