Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Wherein One Gets Embarrased

Well this is... embarrassing. My wherewanders website has been down now for over a month. I've emailed, online chatted and called many different platforms and am starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm telling you; it's just not worth all this hassle. I've decided that someone like me should not have an independent website. I should be posting in a nice safe place where strange things don't happen, like here.

Sorry folks. I know some of you preferred the wherewanders site but frankly, I just don't have the technological savvy for such a thing.

So hang on. Once I've retrieved the rest of my content, which is currently wandering in unknown corners of cyber space, I will finish transferring all to this blog and wherewanders will rest in peace. It lived a miserable life and it's the only merciful thing to do.