Sunday, November 26, 2017

Bad Hair Day?

I had a conversation with my daughter this morning. It went like this:

Me- "My hair is boring today."
Daughter - "That's what hair does. It sits there being hair, a bunch of dead cells just laying around on your head."
Me- "Maybe that's what goes wrong. I think my hair is boring so I decide I need to get a haircut so it will do something."
Daughter- "Hair is either boring or it does something weird."
Me- "So boring hair is a good thing?"
Daughter- "Yes."
Me- "But I always thought my hair should do something."

She doesn't really respond to this, just shakes her head in a pitying way as she walks off.

I'm left thinking.... hmmm.... all this time I've been trying to get my hair to do something. Suddenly all the years and years of bad hair make more sense than I would like to admit....