Friday, September 09, 2016


Oh! Hi! uh, heh, heh.... cough... ahem. I may or may not have ... forgotten... to post yesterday... The truth is life got in the way. I've been pretty busy these days.

I've noticed something. The more time I  put into blogging the less time I put into writing books. I know, I know, I have yet to get any of these oft spoken of books out there but I've been pretty consistent with blogging which just goes to prove my point.

I keep thinking I should keep the blogging down to once a month so I'll put more time into other forms of writing and actually get something published! Gasp!

That way everyone can ignore that too. How fun!

Maybe that's an advantage people have that plan to publish the traditional way. They've always got someone breathing down their neck to finish things while I simply keep procrastinating things into oblivion.

Well, anyway I really ought to get back to it and get a few more chapters written, but I've got this really pressing task of staring at the neighbor's bunny ahead of me. (We're bunny sitting.) After all,
I've got to keep my priorities straight.