Friday, May 12, 2017

Another List! Oh Boy!

Things have been a bit neglected around here.

I have a love/hate relationship with writing. Sometimes I'm really into it and sometimes I detest it.

There comes a point where I detest writing and everything I write stinks. I'm the worst writer in the world and I'm never going to write anything that actually amounts to anything.

Regardless of how rotten what I've written is, I keep at it. I'm a masochist I guess. I torture myself with the process regardless of the outcome.

So today I thought I'd make a list (you know how much I love lists) of all the reasons why I should keep writing.  
  1. To make all the other writers look good.
  3. So my brain will be active and I won't get Alzheimer's.
  5. Entertainment for my relatives who love me regardless of what I write.
  7. When people ask me what my hobbies are, I don't have to say 'Sitting around eating candy.' It justifies the candy. Sugar is brain food. I need it so I can think of terrible things to write.
  9. When I'm tired and I write I don't feel lazy. I'm being productive. I'm writing.
  11. I can ignore everyone around me and become a hermit, but as far as everyone else is concerned - I'm amazing. I write. (Seriously, if you feel over-peopled you should try this. It works surprisingly well.)
  13. If I'm writing I'm not cooking, doing laundry or washing the dishes. That's reason enough right there.
  15. I can feel utterly embarrassed and self conscious  when people ask me about what I'm writing. This keeps me on my toes and stops me from sinking into mediocre life oblivion.
  17. It's a great topic of conversation for people who have no idea what to say to me.
  19. It keeps me humble... or humiliated, not sure which.