I have a love/hate relationship with writing. Sometimes I'm really into it and sometimes I detest it.
There comes a point where I detest writing and everything I write stinks. I'm the worst writer in the world and I'm never going to write anything that actually amounts to anything.
Regardless of how rotten what I've written is, I keep at it. I'm a masochist I guess. I torture myself with the process regardless of the outcome.
So today I thought I'd make a list (you know how much I love lists) of all the reasons why I should keep writing.
- To make all the other writers look good.
- So my brain will be active and I won't get Alzheimer's.
- Entertainment for my relatives who love me regardless of what I write.
- When people ask me what my hobbies are, I don't have to say 'Sitting around eating candy.' It justifies the candy. Sugar is brain food. I need it so I can think of terrible things to write.
- When I'm tired and I write I don't feel lazy. I'm being productive. I'm writing.
- I can ignore everyone around me and become a hermit, but as far as everyone else is concerned - I'm amazing. I write. (Seriously, if you feel over-peopled you should try this. It works surprisingly well.)
- If I'm writing I'm not cooking, doing laundry or washing the dishes. That's reason enough right there.
- I can feel utterly embarrassed and self conscious when people ask me about what I'm writing. This keeps me on my toes and stops me from sinking into mediocre life oblivion.
- It's a great topic of conversation for people who have no idea what to say to me.
- It keeps me humble... or humiliated, not sure which.