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So here's what's going on. I've been on facebook a long time. I don't look at it anymore. I haven't looked at it for a long time. I'm not sure exactly why, but it seems like such a chore. I've decided to delete my account because why have it when I'm not using it?
I looked at what I have posted to see what exactly would be deleted and discovered I'd been posting some pretty hilarious quotes from my kids. So I decided they should be transferred here since they are already public and I will be able to look at them again and have a good laugh.
We are going to go back in time starting with 2017 and ending with 2011.
1. Kid pops a hazel nut in mouth and makes a disgusted face. "That one still had it's clothes on!" Looks in can of nuts, "you can't fool me, you're wearing pants!" Starts peeling outer bits off other nuts.
2. Overheard:
Child 1: Should I make regular shepherd's pie or fancy shepherd's pie?
Child 2: If you don't make it regular everyone's going to be mad at you.
Child 1: If I make it fancy no one will want it and I'll get to eat the whole thing.
Child 2: You can't eat anything if you're dead.
3. Overheard:
Brother 1 borrowing suit jacket of Brother 2: What is this? (pulling pen out of jacket inner pocket) You have a pen in your suit jacket! Don't you know pens are cognizant of when they are in important articles of clothing so they can leak all over them?
Brother 2: That pen has been in there for months.
Brother 1: You're just lucky you got a docile pen. What if it had been an angry pen?
4. Overheard in a conversation today: have coconuts around so that if the world comes to an end there's some thing to eat, but if the world hasn't ended you don't eat those coconuts...
5. Kid:We're almost out of bread. It's a breadolypse.
Me: Is that kind of like a milkolypse?
Kid: Well, it's not quite as bad as that, but still, it's an olypse, so it's okay to panic.
I fail to react in any way.
Kid: Panicking is a sign you're in good mental health in cases like this.
Me: Is that kind of like a milkolypse?
Kid: Well, it's not quite as bad as that, but still, it's an olypse, so it's okay to panic.
I fail to react in any way.
Kid: Panicking is a sign you're in good mental health in cases like this.
6. That's the problem with wearing loose fitting pants. It makes me think I can eat donuts. (okay, so that one was me)
7. What is it about getting rid of stuff that feels so liberating? Problem is, some of what I got rid of is shoes. How do I stop myself from back filling those? Or maybe getting rid of shoes and buying more shoes is part of the circle of life and I need to accept it for what it is. Hmmm..... sounds legit.... I guess I'm okay to get some shoes for my birthday then. (also me)
8. Dropping kid off at school:
Kid: That girl has a sword.
Me: She's probably part of something.
Kid: Color Gaurd. I'm going to join color guard so I can have a sword.
Me: Then you'd have to do a bunch of other stuff you don't want to do.
Kid: I'll just be the sword guy and go around stabbing stuff.
This is why auditions are a good thing.
Kid: That girl has a sword.
Me: She's probably part of something.
Kid: Color Gaurd. I'm going to join color guard so I can have a sword.
Me: Then you'd have to do a bunch of other stuff you don't want to do.
Kid: I'll just be the sword guy and go around stabbing stuff.
This is why auditions are a good thing.
9. Kid puts on his dad's sun hat. (In a meditative voice.) "Aaaahhhh....I can feel the dorkiness percolating throughout my body..."
10. Me (in a matter of fact tone): I'm going to start murdering everyone who messes up the kitchen.
Kid (sighing): Mom, I told you to do that a long time ago.
Kid (sighing): Mom, I told you to do that a long time ago.