Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Isolation vs Connectedness

There is an element to writing that isn't discussed very often. There seems to be two basic types to many characters in writing. Characters who are isolated and characters who are connected.

Isolated are those who seem to live within themselves - they live life with their nose pressed against the glass looking at others who are interacting with each other and they can't quite figure out why there's a divide there. There is also the isolated character who deliberately isolates themselves and knows full well why - usually some bond of trust was broken somewhere.

On the other hand there is also the character that is connected. They have close personal ties to family, friends, and humanity in general. Sometimes they only have a few connections, sometimes many but they seem to really participate in life and invest themselves in others.

I find both types interesting to read. And I identify with both - usually depending on how I feel. If I'm feeling pretty good and my health is well in hand I feel connected. If I feel sick and I'm confined to my room - isolated. I live in both worlds.