Monday, December 21, 2020

Snow People

 Since I cannot reveal this years presents yet I will show you one from last year. I made this snowman family for my son for his birthday. It is nostalgic for him because I'd made a whole bunch of them when the kids were small. (I don't know if I was bored or stupid but the end results are as follows:)

Grandma and Grandpa snow people.

 Two gossiping girls and one minding it's own business.

 A newly wed couple.

 A family out shopping.

A snowball fight.

 A snooty family. 

For a little context - here is how they are displayed every year. They are up on a pot shelf dividing the living room from the family room. So they are seen from a distance and there is a front and a back. 

This was the original pattern and inspiration. 

Anyway, the more I made the better I got at it. There is a distinct difference between the first ones and the last ones. As you can see I went a little crazy with them. Ah, the silliness of youth!