Tuesday, August 04, 2015

I really shouldn't blog when I don't feel well.

Today's post is about an outrage I think ought to be addressed.

I'm talking about those people, of whom I will sanctimoniously name no names, that slink into the kitchen and swipe my juice, unawares. I mean really, how underhanded is that? What kind of person does it take to raid a refrigerator and pillage undefended substances like juice? 

And here I am, the innocent victim, working away and suddenly have a craving for something sweet and cold and delicious. Oh, I can just taste it already. I gleefully sweep into the kitchen only to find I have been ROBBED!!! Just as I was about to enjoy cool refreshment, it is knocked maliciously from my grasp! I am left to wallow in wretched disappointment! Oh the humanity!

Something has to be done about this. Juice drinkers of the world unite! Stand up for your rights to juice! When juice has been carefully horded and squirreled away for a rainy day (or every day) it should be there when it is called upon for service!

And don't even get me started on the hot cocoa...