Tuesday, October 08, 2024

 It seems like I haven't posted a hypocritical book rant lately. Since I had surgery and I can't do much yet and I'm bored out of my mind I think it's about time I did.

Know what I'm sick of? Traumatizing books. Seriously. Don't you think there's enough trauma in life already? Why do we have to read about it too? There are ways of having conflict and meaning in a book without requiring the reader to have therapy for the next ten years. 

I read a lovely book the other day and read the reviews for it. So many people complaining about how it wasn't detailed enough with the tragic factors in it. Really? Is this what we've come to? 

What's so wrong about reading something that actually makes us feel good when we're done? Why are positive feelings considered 'trite' and negative feelings considered 'real'? 

Why do people feel the need to justify the fact that they liked something uplifting, constructive and good?

We've got a weird kind of prejudice in this world where optimistic things are, at best, dealt with in a patronizing tone and at worst vilified as unreal and damaging. 

This kind of idea has crept into the way we deal with others too. What happened to giving others the benefit of the doubt? What happened to assuming others are not being deliberately malicious? What happened to extending grace to the imperfections of others and forgiving that lack of perfection? 

Maybe it's time to take a step back and evaluate our own
lives, our own behavior our own humanity and make some changes that we actually have some control over - ourselves.

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